Ovulation Study for Infertility in Anand | Best Infertility Clinic in Anand
The fertility rate in India as compared to the last year, 2020, has fallen by 0.95%, and it’s not a good sign. Usha IVF is a very well-known fertility centre in Anand, Gujarat, India and helps couples in conceiving a baby. An Ovulation Study treatment can be applied to an infertile couple to help with conceiving. An ovarian study, also known as a follicular study, monitors the number and growth of active follicles in the ovaries and egg quality, which can maximize the chances of fertility and egg meeting with sperm naturally. Further testing is done through 3D ultrasonography, and for the best results, it should be done by transvaginal sonography (ultrasound) from inside the vagina to scan the ovaries, uterus, and uterus lining, which also determines the endometrial health and its thickness. Follicular studies can be conducted at frequent intervals to monitor the menstrual cycle, follicular growth, and exact date of ovulation for successful implantation.