Ovum, Sperm & Embryo Donation Facilities

"Sometimes when making something so precious, beautiful it takes time through Ovum, Sperm and Embryo Donation Facilities"

Usha IVF or embryo donation makes it possible to have a child when one or both partners are not able to provide their own Ovum, Sperm, and Embryo Donation Facilities in Anand.

The donor sperm is utilized to either inseminate the woman (IUI) or to fertilize her eggs in an IVF process. As is noticeable, the couple is counseled mutually about the implication and procedure concerned in a treatment. All donor sperm samples are to be available from established and registered sperm banks.

At Usha IVF & Test tube baby center we have a complete facility for Ovum, Sperm & embryo donation facilities for patients who cannot construct eggs or sperm required to conceive.

In some cases, the ovaries fail to produce eggs and the only option to conceive is using eggs contributed by another woman.

Using donated ovum also removes chances of genetic diseases that pass on from mother to child. Equally, if it becomes impossible to collect sperm even from testes in an Azoospermia male, donated sperms have to be made use of.

Embryo donation is suitable for couples in whom both the male and female gametes are of poor quality and they had previous unsuccessful attempts of IVF.

Sperm donation is indicated for the couples whose male partner has very severe oligospermia or azoospermia or has very poor morphological sperms.

egg donor process by Dr Dipan Thakkar
donor embryo cost in Anand india
Ovum Sperm and Embryo Donation Facilities by Dr Usha Thakkar
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